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Night Grim is a dark fantasy indie animated series. Set in late Victorian, England; Monsters lurk and wreak havoc on humanity as their technological growth collide with the ancients of the supernatural.The story follows an independent monster hunter, Jack, who has taken it upon himself to pursue the unseen terrors of London while on the search for his identity. However, his life takes a ghastly turn when the mysteries of his homeland are unveiled through an uncanny invitation, and a growing Lycan revolt.

More To Come...

A selfless yet defiant young man, Jack is a bit rough around the edges who, since surviving on the streets of London as a young orphan, has relied on himself for survival and protection. He is often misjudged as cold and simple but the hardened
exterior simply shields the thoughtfully complex soul underneath. Due to his difficulty expressing himself he carries a journal at all times to help sort out his thoughts and feelings while on his
journey to discover his identity.

A high class young lady whose nose is always in a fantastical book! No matter what genre, she loves a good story with a new world she can escape to. (Although Scientific Romance is her favorite!)
As she is very wise and knowledgeable, she is also orthodox about traditions and rules, frowning upon any "rebellious" behavior. Because of this Luella may come across as strict and critical, however all her actions are rooted in the love she has for her companions and wanting what's best for everyone.

Astute and charming when called for, Searlas aims high when it comes to status and connections. Although he has many allies, depending on their usefulness, he does not have many "friends." Most that have the unfortunate luck to meet him would say he is a bit of a snob, but he hasn't achieved what he calls
"success" by being a bleeding heart. Although a bit hot headed, he is very headstrong. He sees to it that things get done.
... no matter the cost.

Victoria is the most pleasantly affront individual one could meet. As the leader of The Council of Habel, she cares about one thing only: Exterminating the Lycan.She is seen as apathetic to others plights because of this - however, Victoria is a strong leader who manages to stay focused on the task at hand, allowing The Council of Habel to run smoothly and make great strides in extinguishing the monster presence of the world. If one dares threaten this mission, she will not hesitate to snuff out their flame - quickly and quietly.


by Katarina Fink

Official Title Sequence

by Katarina Fink

Animated/Animatic Shorts

by Katarina Fink


by Katarina Fink

Einsem Blumen

So Many Jacks...

Safe and Sound

One Shot Panels

Night Grim Album (Character Themes)

Composed by Joao Mutton

Main Theme

Composed by Kittyopus

Night Grim Lofi Chill Mix

Katarina Fink

Creator / Writer / Director / Producer / Vis Dev Artist / Animator

Thomas Scott

Art Director / Writer's Assistant / Co-Cinematographer

Caitlin Rowe

Voice of Luella Sallow / Co-Scriptwriter

Heidi Tabing

Voice of Victoria Grace

Johnnie Mae Rebholz

Background Artist

Interested in joining the Night Grim team?

After the premiere of the pilot, applications will open to expand our team!
Stay tuned!


Get in touch with Katarina Fink